Au pair contract: essentials and templates for different countries 

(Also to be found with keywords Au pair contract, Contract and Invitation letter)

An au pair contract is crucial to ensure a clear arrangement between the au pair and the host family and a smooth au pair stay.

A person signing a contract

The au pair contract is an agreement between the host family and the au pair that outlines all the essential aspects of the upcoming au pair stay, including tasks, pocket money, working hours and holidays. It provides a solid foundation for clarifying everyone's expectations and managing the au pair stay. 

What should be included in the au pair contract?

General conditions of the stay:

  • Duration of the stay: specify the length of the au pair's stay
  • Language: indicate the language the au pair will be speaking within the host family
  • Start date: State when the au pair will begin their stay

Host family and au pair's obligations: 

  • Family information: include details about the family members, especially the children (how many and how old they are)
  • Living arrangements: describe the family's residence and the au pair’s room
  • Pocket money: specify the amount of pocket money that the au pair will receive and when they will receive it (weekly, every two weeks, monthly)
  • Free time and holidays: outline the au pair’s free time and holiday schedule
  • Insurance: write down the details of the insurance coverage that will cover the au pair during the stay

Au pair duties

  • Tasks: clearly list the tasks the au pair is expected to perform
  • Working hours: define the au pair’s weekly working hours
  • Notice period: include the required period of notice for terminating the au pair contract
  • Additional agreements: add any extra arrangements or agreements between the au pair and the host family (such as who pays for the transportation ticket, language course etc)

Who prepares the au pair contract?

The host family normally drafts the au pair contract. 
However, both the au pair and the host family should discuss the contract details and agree on them beforehand. Once agreed, the host family prepares a draft for the au pair to review and approve. After one last check, both parties sign the contract, ensuring each of them has a copy for travel or visa purposes. 

Important: An au pair should never start working without a signed contract. 
If you’re an au pair and your host family suggests beginning the stay without a contract, please contact us immediately.  

When should the au pair contract be prepared?

The contract should be prepared and signed before the au pair stay begins (before the au pair leaves to travel to the host country). This allows ample time to discuss arrangements and ensure mutual agreement. If expectations do not align, it provides an opportunity to reconsider the arrangement. 

Getting to know each other and stating expectations for the au pair stay is a crucial step to preparing an effective contract.
To help you with this, we have prepared a list of some important questions to ask au pairs and questions to ask families.

Official contracts for au pair stays

Some countries, like Germany, France, and Belgium, have official au pair contracts that must be used.
In other countries, the European au pair contract template is widely accepted for bureaucratic purposes. 
For more detailed information about contract regulations in different countries, follow the links in the table below. 

Au pair contract provisions for different host countries

CountryIs there an official au pair contract for this country?
Australia: Au pair contract informationNo. We recommend using the European au pair contract template.
Austria: Au pair contract informationYes, and the contract must be prepared in German.
Belgium: Au pair contract informationYes. For the different regions of Belgium (Brussels, Wallonia, Flanders) there are also different contract versions.
Canada: Au pair contract informationNo. We recommend using the European au pair contract template.
Denmark: Au pair contract informationYes. The contract is included in the application for the residence permit.
Finland: Au pair contract informationNo. We recommend using the European au pair contract template.
France: Au pair contract informationYes. There are different contracts for EU au pairs and non-EU au pairs. 
Germany: Au pair contract informationYes. Non-EU au pairs also need an invitation letter in addition to the contact.
Iceland: Au pair contract informationYes. It is available on the website for Icelandic immigration.
Ireland: Au pair contract informationNo. We recommend using the European au pair contract template.
Italy: Au pair contract informationNo. We recommend using the European au pair contract template in the Italian language.
Japan: Au pair contract informationNo. We recommend using the European au pair contract template.
Liechtenstein: Au pair contract informationYes. The contract is provided by the Liechtenstein state administration. 
Luxembourg: Au pair contract informationYes, a template contract is available.
Netherlands: Au pair contract informationYes. The au pair stay must be organised by an officially recognised agency which issues the contract.
New Zealand: Au pair contract informationNo. We recommend using the European au pair contract template.
Norway: Au pair contract informationYes, the official standard contract is required for arrangements with various authorities. 
Spain: Au pair contract informationNo. We recommend using the European au pair contract template.
Sweden: Au pair contract informationNo. We recommend using the European au pair contract template.
Swizterzland: Au pair contract informationYes. The contract is issued by the responsible employment office authorities in the canton.
UK: Au pair contract informationNo. We recommend using the European au pair contract template.
USA: Au pair contract informationYes. Au pair stays in the USA must be organised through an officially designated agency, which is also responsible for the contract.

Au pair contracts for other countries

If you need a contract for another country not listed here, we recommend using the template for the standard European au pair contract, which can then be adjusted for your particular requirements.

Having a well-drafted au pair contract ensures clarity and sets the stage for a positive and fulfilling au pair experience, so make sure to complete this necessary step, before your au pair experience begins! 

Related information

How do I find a suitable au pair?
How to prepare for your first au pair