Pocket money, working time and au pair contract in Ireland

Find out the details of how au pairs and families work together in Ireland. How much pocket money does an au pair receive, how are holidays organised, what about the au pair contract? All the important information is presented here for au pairs and families in Ireland.

Young woman with a wallet in her hands

Au pair contract

There is no official au pair contract for Ireland, but the European template is widely used and accepted. You can modify according to your needs.

The au pair contract should include detailed employment conditions, such as working hours, the exact amount of pocket money and the rights and duties of both contracting parties. The signed au pair contract will ensure fair working arrangements between the au pair and the host family.


Contract termination
Two weeks' notice must generally be given when terminating the au pair contract.



Au pair duties include childcare and light housework. 

Before the au pair stay begins, the family and au pair should clarify what duties will be performed by the au pair. These duties and the rights and obligations of both the family and the au pair should then be specified in the au pair contract.

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Pocket money

In addition to board and lodging, an au pair in Ireland will receive weekly payment in accordance with Minimum Wage requirements for employees during the first year of employment.

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Board and lodging

According to the idea of au pairing as a cultural exchange, au pairs are entitled to receive free board and lodging, even if au pairs are ill or on holidays. Nevertheless, due to the Irish Minimum Wage requirements, if au pairs receive board and lodging in kind, the costs of such board and lodging must be deducted from their monthly pocket money.

Currently, the weekly value for board and lodging is set at €64.12.

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Working hours

In accordance with our basic idea of au pairing as a cultural exchange, au pairs in Ireland should work a maximum of 30 hours per week. Au pairs can also do some babysitting up to 3 evenings per week, which should be included in the calculated working hours.

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Free time and Holiday

Again according to the idea of au pairing as a cultural exchange, au pairs are entitled to two days off per week and to one week of paid holiday per six months.

In Ireland, there are no official regulations with regard to public holidays for au pairs. We recommend that au pairs have a day off on public holidays. Only in exceptional cases should au pairs work on public holidays. The host family should discuss this with their au pair beforehand.

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Language course

Au pairs should be given the possibility to attend a language course. Typically the au pair covers the costs of such a course.

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Au pair insurance

To be safely and fully insured, au pairs from all countries (EU and non-EU) need to have a comprehensive private au pair insurance for au pair stays in Ireland. There are no stipulations regarding whether the au pair or the host family should pay for this insurance. This is a point that should be clarified between the au pair and host family in making contract arrangements for the au pair stay. 

AuPairWorld recommends the PROTRIP-WORLD insurance package to provide protection during the au pair stay. It is especially designed for au pairs and other young people spending time abroad. Among other benefits, this insurance covers the full costs of inpatient and outpatient medical care (often not covered in full with the EHIC card for EU au pairs), plus return transport to the home country for medical reasons (not covered at all with the EHIC card).

More information on insurance:


Driving in Ireland

If the au pair will be driving the car of the host family in connection with the au pair duties, issues of insurance and liability should be clarified in advance. Should any damages result from an accident, it should be clear who pays for them.

Foreign driving licence:

1. Licences issued by an EU/ EEA member state are valid in Ireland without any restrictions.

2. Regulations for driving licences issued by a recognised state (Australia, Gibraltar, Guernsey, Isle of Man, Japan, Jersey, South Africa, South Korea, Switzerland) are as follows:

Au pairs with a valid licence issued by one of these countries can drive during a visit to Ireland. From the date of registering as a resident in Ireland an au pair's licence is valid for one year. To be considered a resident, an au pair must have been living in Ireland for at least 185 days of that calendar year.

3. Au pairs who are not from any of the above countries but hold a national (or international) driving licence from another country may drive in Ireland for up to 12 months. If the au pair stays for more than 12 months, it is possible to apply for an Irish driving licence. However, in this case it is necessary to go through the full licensing procedure.

For further questions, please refer to the Citizens Information in Ireland.

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