Pocket money, working hours, contract for au pairs in France

How much pocket money does an au pair receive in France? What are the working times for au pairs in France? Is it necessary to have a contract? On this page we give you all the most important information on the French au pair program.

Young woman with wallet


The au pair contract regulates the various rights and duties of the au pair and the host family. It must be signed by both parties and this should be done before the au pair travels to France. Non-EU au pairs also need the contract for the visa application.


Au pair contract in French

Terminating an au pair contract:    
It is possible to terminate the au pair contract at any time. In accordance with the European Agreement on the Au Pair Placement, both contracting parties should observe a two weeks' notice period in taking such a step. This gives the au pair sufficient time to search for a new host family or to organise a trip back home. In serious cases, it is possible to terminate the contract with immediate effect.


Length of stay

An au pair can have an au pair stay in France ranging from 3 to 12 months. The au pair stay can be extended to a total of 24 months.



The au pair helps with childcare and with light housework and receives room and board as a temporary member of the family. The au pair and host family should discuss the duties of the au pair in detail prior to the commencement of the au pair stay and put the agreed tasks into the written contract as precisely as possible.

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Pocket money

According to the French regulations au pairs from a non UE country are entitled to at least 320 € pocket money per month and EU au pairs receive monthly pocket money between 311,25 € and 373,50 €. The amount that is agreed must be specified in the au pair contract. The host family should give the au pair a receipt documenting the money paid each month particularly when these payments are made in cash. 

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Board and lodging

In exchange for  help with childcare and light housework, au pairs are entitled to free board and lodging. An au pair should have his or her own room in the host family home.

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Family social insurance payments

Host families in France have the status of an employer. They therefore have to register their au pair with their local URSSAF office and pay employer premiums. Visit the official website of the Service Public Français in order to calculate the amount of these premiums.


Working hours

As stated in the official contract, au pairs in France work a maximum of 25 hours a week and, normally, no more than 5 hours a day. The work schedule should be arrange so that time is available for the au pair to attend a French language course.

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Free time and holidays

Au pairs in France are entitled to at least one full day off per week. Once every month, this day should be a Sunday. For au pairs who are not EU citizens and wish to work for a different employer during their free hours, the total working time must not exceed 60% of the legal number of working hours as defined by French law; this corresponds to a total of 964 hours per year. The hours worked for the host family also are included in this total. 

There are no specific regulations in France concerning the holiday an au pair is entitled to. The host family and au pair should therefore agree in advance how many days of holiday there will be in the course of the au pair stay and specify this in the au pair contract. Au pairs are usually entitled to a two-week holiday if they stay with their host families for six months in total. 

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Language course

It is compulsory for au pairs from EU countries to participate in a French course for foreigners. Au pairs from non-EU countries should have the possibility to take a French course if they wish. Au pairs bear the cost of this course themselves. The host family, on the other hand, is responsible for enrolling the au pair in a course. Language courses are offered by universities, adult education centres and other organisations. Courses which run over varying time spans (an entire year, a semester or the summer) can be selected.

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Au pair health and social insurance

Au pairs in France must be covered by the statutory social insurance in case of illness, work accident or maternity. The host family therefore needs to register the au pair with their local URSSAF within 8 days upon arrival. The host family is required to pay the necessary premiums for this insurance coverage. Following registration, the au pair obtains a social insurance number making it possible to receive benefits.

In addition to this, au pairs from all countries (EU and non-EU) need to have a comprehensive private au pair insurance for au pair stays in France to be safely and fully insured. This cost is also normally covered by the host family. 

AuPairWorld recommends the PROTRIP-WORLD insurance package for this purpose. It is especially designed for au pairs and other young people spending time abroad. Among other benefits, this insurance covers the full costs of inpatient and outpatient medical care (often not covered in full with the EHIC card for EU au pairs), plus return transport to the home country for medical reasons (not covered at all with the EHIC card).

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Personal liability insurance

We recommend that the host family extend their personal liability insurance to their au pair. Alternatively, the host family can take out an individual liability insurance for the au pair alone. Additional information is available on this point in Frequently asked questions about the au pair stay in France


Driving and driving licence

The host family and the au pair should clarify in advance if the au pair will be expected to drive. Should this be the case, the au pair needs to find out whether his or her driving licence is valid in France. It may be necessary to apply for an international driving licence. The website of the French Road Safety Authority provides more information on this subject. It is also important to clarify the following questions in advance of the au pair stay: What happens in the event of an accident? Who will pay for the damage? Often it is possible to extend the family's insurance to cover the au pair.

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