Pocket money, working hours, contract for au pairs in Denmark

What are the working hours for au pairs in Denmark? How much money do au pairs receive? Should au pairs and host families have a contract to regulate the au pair stay? These and other questions are answered here.

Young woman with a wallet in her hands

Au pair contract

There is an official au pair contract in Denmark. It is part of the application for resident permits for au pairs. The au pair contract can be made for a maximum period of 12 months.


Au pair contracts must be terminated in writing. Au pairs can terminate an au pair contract at 2 weeks’ notice. Host families at 1 month’s notice.


Lenght of stay

Au pairs in Denmark receive a residence permit for one year. This permit, however, cannot be made for longer than the time of stay that is specified in the au pair contract. As an exception, the resident permit can be extended to a maximumof 24 months.


Au pair duties

The main duties of an au pair involve providing help with childcare. In addition, au pairs help with light household chores. The best approach is for the au pair and host family to discuss in detail which duties the au pair will be reponsible for during the au pair stay. 

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Pocket money

The pocket money for au pairs is 4,550 DKK per month (gross). The au pair continues to receive this pocket money in case of illness and also during holidays.

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Au pairs must pay tax on the pocket money that they receive. A tax card for this purpose should be obtained from the local tax authorities.


Room and Board

The au pair receives free room and board. Au pairs take part in the common meals of the host family and are given an appropriate room of their own in the home of the host family.

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Working Hours

Au pairs in Denmark work between 18 and 30 hours per week and a maximum of 3 to 5 hours per day.

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Free time and Holidays

Au pair should have  one-and-a-half days off every week. In addition, they have a right to a day off on official Danish public holidays. Also, the au pair must be given the opportunity to participate in religious worship. 

Au pairs in Denmark are entitled to 2.5 paid days off per month if they work 6 days a week or 2,08 paid days off per month if they work just 5 days a week. When an au pair stay ends, the host family must pay for any holiday days earned but not used.

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Language course

The au pair should be given enough spare time to attend a language course. Host families are required to pay a one-off payment of DKK 18,000 to cover parts of the state's expenses of offering Danish lessons.

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Health insurance

Should an au pair fall ill during their stay, it is the responsibility of the host family to provide free food, lodging and sufficient care until necessary further arrangements have been made. It is furthermore the responsibility of the host family to sign the au pair up for health insurance. They can do this at the local Citizen's Service Centre (Borgerservice). The au pair will get a so-called CPR number and 'health card' there.

More information on this topic:


Travel costs

The host family has to cover return flight tickets for au pairs from outside the EU. There are some rules about this point that need to be observed.


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