Pocket money, working hours and contract for au pairs in Finland

Find out the details of how au pairs and families work together in Finland. How much pocket money does an au pair receive, how are holidays organised and what are other important conditions in the cooperation? All the important information is presented here.

Young woman with a wallet in her hands

Au pair contract

There is no official au pair contract for Finland. Host families and au pairs can adapt the European contract according to their requirements. Au pairs from countries outside the EU and EFTA will require a copy of this signed contract when applying for a residence permit.


There isn't any official period for terminating the au pair contract. We recommend a period of notice of 14 days. This amount of time is needed by the au pair and host family to make arrangements for a new au pair, to find a new host family or to arrange for travel home.


Length of stay

Au pair stays in Finland have a maximum length of 12 months.


Au pair duties

Au pairs help with taking care of the children in the host family and also with some light household chores. The specific duties should be discussed by the au pair and host family together and regulated in the au pair contract. This contract will also be necessary when applying for a residence permit for the au pair. The general European au pair contract can be used as a basis for this as there is no special au pair contract for Finland.

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Pocket money

Au pairs in Finland receive monthly pocket money of at least 280 Euros net from their host family. Taxes must be paid on this amount because this pocket money is viewed as income in Finland. How this income is taxed depends on the length of the au pair stay and of the overall stay in Finland

Pension contributions

Au pairs in Finland, aged 18 and over, also have to pay into the pension insurance programme. This amounts to 24.2% of the au pair's gross salary (calculated as the pocket money that the au pair receives plus the value of board andlodging). Both the au pair and host family contribute towards this: the au pair pays 5.55% of this 24.2% and host families pay the remaining 18.65%. Further information is avialble at the website of the Finnish state pension service.

Note: Aupairs must receive monthly pocket money of at least 280 EUR despite deductions for tax and pension contributions.

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Board and lodging

In addition to the pocket money provided to au pairs, host families also provide all meals and lodging for the au pair in a room of her or his own. Board and lodging are also made available to the au pair during any periods of holiday or illness.

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Working hours

The Finnish government sets a limit of 25 hours working time per week for au pairs, including any evening baby sitting. Per day, au pairs should not work more than 5 hours.

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Free time and holidays

Au pairs are entitled to one full day off per week. Once a month this day off must be on a Sunday. Au pairs should also have sufficient time to attend a language course and be given the possibility to develop their cultural knowledge and professional capabilities.

As there are no official regulations in Finland with regard to holidays for au pairs, host families and au pairs should come to an agreement about this topic. We recommend that au pairs be given two weeks holiday when they stay with their host families for six months in total. This can be used as a guide in calculating the au pair's holiday time for other lengths of stay. We recommend that au pairs have a day off on public holidays. Only in exceptional cases should au pairs work on public holidays. The host family should discuss this with their au pair beforehand.

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Au pairs must attend a Finnish or Swedish language course during their stay. Sufficient time for such a course should be included in the au pair's schedule and the host family should help in finding a suitable course.  

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Au pair insurance

To be safely and fully insured, au pairs from all countries (EU/EFTA and non-EU) need to have a comprehensive private au pair insurance for au pair stays in Finland. Finnish host families are required to cover the costs for this insurance. 

AuPairWorld recommends the PROTRIP-WORLD insurance package for this purpose. It is especially designed for au pairs and other young people spending time abroad. Among other benefits, this insurance covers the full costs of inpatient and outpatient medical care (often not covered in full with the EHIC card for EU au pairs), plus return transport to the home country for medical reasons (not covered at all with the EHIC card).

More information on insurance:


Travel costs

In most cases, the au pair covers the travel costs associated with the au pair stay. Sometimes, however, the host family will pay a part of these costs or pay for the au pair's return trip to their home country.


Driving licence

If the au pair's driving licence has been issued in an EU or EFTA country, then the au pair may use it for driving in Finland during the au pair stay. The same applies for temporary licences issued in Nordic countries.

If the licence of the au pair has been issued in a country which has signed the Geneva or Vienna Road Traffic Convention, then the licence is also valid in Finland. More detailed information is available from the Finnish authorities here.

In connection with driving, we recommend that host families and au pairs discuss how damages will be handled in the case of an accident and include these arrangements in the au pair contract.

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