Pocket money, working hours and contract for au pairs in Liechtenstein

Find out the details of how au pairs and families work together in Liechtenstein. How much pocket money does an au pair receive, how are holidays organised and what are other important conditions in the cooperation? All the important information is presented here.

Young woman with a wallet in her hands

Au pair contract

There is an official au pair contract for Liechtenstein that is available only in German. The arranged au pair duties, working times, pocket money (in the form "Lohn und Lohnabzüge") are noted here. Please note that there are also further binding provisions of the agreement on page 3 as well as other important information.


  • You can fill out the online form or download it as a PDF document.

The is no official conditions of a contract termination. We recommend a notice period of two weeks so that both the au pair and the family will have enough time to make new arrangements whether for the trip home or for a new au pair.


Lenght of stay

The au pair stay must be for at least 6 months and not longer than 12 months. For au pairs in Liechtenstein an application for a short-term residence permit must be made.


Au pair duties

Au pairs help their host families with taking care of the children and give support with light housework. Au pairs are not to be used for taking care of the elderly or pets nor as a maid or agricultural worker.

More information on the topic:


Pocket money

The minimum gross wage for a 30-hour working week is CHF 1,835.00 according to a government resolution of 5 September 2006. With a lower number of working hours in the week, the gross wage will be correspondingly lower. A net wage of CHF 700.00 must be paid as a minimum in all cases.

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Board and Lodging

Lodging (an individual room for the au pair) and all meals are provided free of charge by the host family.

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Working hours

Au pairs may work a maximum of 5 hours per day and a maximum total of 30 hours per week.

Please note: Au pairs should be supervised by one of the parents for at least half of their working hours. With two adult persons in the household, maximum employment in one and a half full-time positions is allowed.

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Free time and holiday

In Liechtenstein au pairs are entitled to one free day per week and four weeks of holiday per year.

Please note: For au pairs up up to the age of 20, 5 weeks of holiday per year are stipulated. 

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Language course

Au pairs must take part in a German course during the au pair stay. The language course is paid for by the host family.

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Au pair Insurance

The au pair must be insured by the host family in a Liechtenstein insurance policy against illness and accident. The host family pays for the insurance.

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Travel costs

In most cases, the au pair covers the travel costs associated with the au pair stay. Sometimes, however, the host family will pay a part of these costs or pay for the au pair's return trip to their home country.

We are continually researching and updating our host country information, but cannot guarantee that all material provided is complete and correct. If you notice gaps or inaccuracies, we would like to hear from you.