Pocket money, working time and contract for au pairs in Norway

How many hours does an au pair in Norway need to work? When do au pairs have time off? How much pocket money should host families pay their au pairs? All of the basic conditions for an au pair stay in Norway are presented here.

Au pair with a wallet in her hands

Important announcement regarding the au pair program in Norway

The Norwegian government has recently decided to abolish the au pair program in Norway as of March 15, 2024.

  • Au pairs will only be entitled to a first au pair stay if they have registered their application on udi.no by no later than March 15, 2024, and have scheduled an appointment to submit their application.
  • If you already have an au pair permit, you can apply for an extension until the end of the two-year au pair period to change host families.

We will update the information about the au pair program in Norway on our website as soon as we receive more information.

For more information and official announcements, please visit the UDI website.

Au pair contract

For the security of both au pair and host family, an au pair contract should always be made regulating the au pair stay. In Norway there is a detailed standard contract for au pairs for this purpose. Au pairs from non-EU countries need this contract when applying for their residence and work permit. Au pairs from EU countries need it when registering with the local police in Norway.


Contract cancellation
The au pair contract can be cancelled with a notice period of at least four weeks. This applies to both au pair and host family and takes effect as soon as either party has been informed. Any cancellation needs to be done in writing. Host families may not cancel the contract without giving good reason. The au pair may ask the family to provide the reasons for the cancellation in writing. Au pairs may cancel the contract without giving reasons. In case of a severe breach of contract, both au pairs and host families may cancel the contract with immediate effect.

If the contract is cancelled before the au pair's residence permit expires, it is necessary to inform the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration (UDI) or local police department. The cancellation of the contract does not necessarily mean that the au pair must leave Norway immediately.


Au pair duties

Au pairs in Norway are mainly responsible for helping with childcare. In addition, some light housework may be done as well as helping children with their homework or helping the family with pet care. An au pair, however, should not be doing the work of a nanny or be solely responsible for looking after pets.

It is best for the au pair and host family to clarify what the specific au pair duties will be in advance and to include this information in the au pair contract.

More information on the topic:


Pocket money

Norwegian host families pay their au pairs monthly pocket money of at least 5,900 Norwegian crowns (NOK). This amount is adjusted on an annual basis. Au pairs shall always receive the pocket money that is specified on the official page of the UDI. This is the case for all au pairs who have a contract which contains this line in section 8: “Au pairen skal minimum få utbetalt den til enhver tid gjeldende minimumssatsen”. The pocket money must also be paid during holidays or any periods of illness.

More information on this topic:



Au pairs in Norway are required to pay taxes on their earnings. The amount that must be paid is calculated according to the value of the pocket money received plus  the non-cash benefits, i.e. costs for board and lodging, provided by the host family. More information on this topic is available on the official page of the Norwegian Tax Administration. Au pairs should also register with the Norwegian Tax Administration as soon as they have arrived in Norway.


Board and lodging

In addition to the pocket money paid to au pairs, all au pairs also receive free board and lodging with their host families. Naturally, this also applies in the case of illness.

More information on the topic:


Working time 

In Norway, au pairs work up to 30 hours per week. The maximum working time per day is 5 hours. The number of working hours may not be increased, even if more pocket money is paid.

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Free time and holiday

Au pairs must have at least one day off per week. At least once per month this day should fall on a Sunday. In addition, au pairs in Norway must have at least one free afternoon per week. The host family should also make arrangements so that the au pair has sufficient time for a language course and leisure activities.

According to Norwegian law (ferienloven), au pairs are entitled to 25 days of holiday per calendar year. Au pairs can make use of these 25 days, even if they have not spent the entire year with their host family. However, in order to benefit from this regulation, the au pair must have started working prior to the 30th of September.

For au pairs who begin work from 1 October, there are only six day of holiday for the corresponding calendar year. The same applies should an au pair change the host family. Au pairs should be able to prove that they have not taken their holiday prior to this date.

During the holiday, the au pair continues to receive pocket money.

In Norway, there are no official regulations with regard to public holidays for au pairs. We recommend that au pairs have a day off on public holidays. Only in exceptional cases should au pairs have to work on public holidays. The host family should discuss this with their au pair beforehand.

More information on the topic:


Language course

The host family should provide the au pair the opportunity to attend a Norwegian course. It is regulated by law that the host family will pays a minimum of 8,850 NOK for such a language course, including for required educational material and transport.

More information on this topic:


Au pair insurance 

In Norway, it is compulsory for host families to take out a comprehensive private au pair insurance for their au pair stay that will be in effect for the entire au pair stay. The host family bears the cost of this insurance. If the host family has not arranged au pair insurance, this is viewed as a violation of the basic conditions of an au pair stay in Norway. If the au pair must return to her/his home country due to medical reasons and no insurance policy is in place, then the family will be responsible for these repatriation costs.

AuPairWorld recommends the PROTRIP-WORLD insurance package to provide protection during the au pair stay. It is especially designed for au pairs and other young people spending time abroad. Among other benefits, this insurance covers the full costs of inpatient and outpatient medical care plus return transport to the home country for medical reasons.

More information on insurance:


Travel costs

Au pairs are responsible for the costs of travelling to Norway for the au pair stay. Typically the host family will pay for the return trip. This, however, is not the case if the au pair remains in the country with another residence permit or if the au pair travels to another country other than the home country.


Driving licence

If the au pair will need to drive as part of her/his au pair duties, it should be clarified that she not only has a driving licence but also sufficient driving experience to ensure safe transport of the children. It should also be clarified how the au pair is insured and who will bear the costs in the event of an automobile accident.

For au pair stays up to 3 months, au pairs can drive with the driving licence from their home country. For au pair stays longer than 3 months, it is necessary to apply for a Norwegian driving licence at the Norwegian State Highway Authority.

More information on this topic:

We are continually researching and updating our host country information, but cannot guarantee that all material provided is complete and correct. If you notice gaps or inaccuracies, we would like to hear from you.