Pocket money, working time and contract for au pairs in Luxembourg

How are the general conditions for au pairs in Luxembourg handled? Au pairs and host families can get a quick overview of all the important conditions for au pair stay in Luxembourg on this page.

Young woman with a wallet in her hands

Au pair contract

The au pair contract should be signed by both the au pair and the host family before the au pair stay begins. This document should include the specific conditions of the planned au pair stay, including details on the duration of stay, working hours, holiday entitlement, lodging arrangements, language course financed by the family, pocket money, etc. 

Three copies of the completed and signed contract should be prepared: one for the host family, one for the au pair and, finally, one should be given to the National Youth Service. The contract can only be validated once the National Youth Service has accepted the au pair's application (demande d'approbation) and the family's application as a host family (l'agrément comme famille d'accueil). Information on all of the necessary formalities for obtaining approval is available on our page Entry requirements and visa for Luxembourg.


Termination of the au pair contract
According to Luxembourgish regulations, the notice period should be at least one month. In serious circumstances, the termination of the contract can be effective immediately, that is to say, without a notice period.

The party that wants to terminate the contract must inform the other party in writing and send a copy of this to the Nation Youth Service. If it is the family who wants to end the contract, they must, before making the decision, meet with the au pair, explain their reasons for the planned decision and listen to the au pair's response. It is also possible to have a representative of the National Youth Service present during this meeting as a mediator, as long as they are informed far enough in advance of their desired participation. It is only possible to change host families once and is only possible if the total duration of the stay does not exceed a period of one year. 

Length of stay

An au pair stay in Luxembourg can be up to one year but no longer.

Au pair duties

In exchange for board and lodging, au pairs look after the host family's children and help out with every day household duties. The au pair and host family should discuss what the au pair duties will be in advance and the  exact tasks should be indicated in the au pair contract. Helping out with household duties should, in no way, be the main task of the au pair stay. The main focus should always be on childcare.

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Pocket money

According to Luxembourgish regulations, the amount of pocket money that au pairs receive from the host family corresponds to one fifth of the national minimum wage, which is reviewed every year. The corresponding amount is currently €440 per month. This sum should be indicated in the au pair contract. and must be transferred by the family into a bank account in the name of the au pair. The payment is made every month regardless of possible periods of inactivity of the au pair (for example through illness or holiday). The pocket money is not subject to taxation or social security, which applies to normal salaries.

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Board and lodging

Au pairs have a room of their own, like other family members. This room and meals are given to the au pair free of charge during the au pair stay in exchange for help provided in taking care of the children and helping out with light household tasks.

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Working hours

Au pairs work for a maximum of 5 hours per day and 25 hours per week. The au pair working schedule should be arranged so that it is possible to attend a language course (in one of the official languages of Luxembourg) or a course on the culture and civilisation of the country.

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Free time and holiday

Au pairs are entitled to have at least three free evenings per week, as well as one full day free per week, and two more days off per month. Au pairs may not take part in any other independent or paid work for the full duration of the stay. 

In addition, au pairs are  entitled to two days of holiday per month. For a stay of 6 months this would amount to 12 days of paid holiday for the duration of the stay.

In Luxembourg, there are no official regulations with regard to public holidays for au pairs. We recommend that au pairs have a day off on public holidays. Only in exceptional cases should au pairs work on public holidays. The host family should discuss this with their au pair beforehand.

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Language course

Au pairs in Luxembourg must participate in a language course for foreigners or in a culture and civilisation course. The family is responsible for the costs of the course. Language courses are offered in universities, adult education centres, as well as by other language education facilities. Au pairs can choose between full-year courses, semester or summer offerings depending on how their stay is scheduled.

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Travel costs

In most cases, the au pair covers the travel costs associated with the au pair stay. Sometimes as a friendly gesture, however, the host family will pay a part of these costs or pay for the au pair's return trip to their home country.

Au pair insurance

Social and health insurance

In Luxembourg, all au pairs must be covered through the Luxembourgish social insurance system (Sécurité sociale luxembourgeoise) which provides health and accident insurance. the host family must register the au pair at the Communal Centre of Social Security (CCSS). Because au pairs' income is seen as pocket money and not a regular salary, the social insurance contributions must be paid entirely by the family. The CCSS will send an insurance confirmation to the host family. This must be forwarded to the SNJ within four weeks after the arrival of the au pair in Luxembourg.

Liability insurance

The host family must take out a liability insurance for its au pair for the entire duration of the au pair stay. 

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Driving licence

In addition to determining if the au pair's driving licence is valid in Luxembourg, it is also necessary to clarify what will happen in the event of an accident and who will be responsible for any damages that occur. Often it is possible to include the au pair in the car insurance policy of the family. 

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