Family holiday without the au pair - How to handle it? 

Have you planned a family holiday and your au pair is not coming with you? Here are some tips on how you can handle this situation and what you should keep in mind. 

A family being excited about going to the beach

June 27, 2024

, in Host families

Whether or not your au pair will accompany you on your holiday is something that needs to be discussed in advance.
Not all families or au pairs wish to spend their holidays together, which of course is an entirely valid option. When this is the case, there are certain arrangements you need to agree on in advance. 

Au pair at home alone

You might not feel entirely comfortable with the idea of having an unsupervised young person alone in your home, as there has to be a high level of trust between you and your au pair to make this option work. This makes it essential to carry out a frank and open discussion, to find a suitable solution.

If your au pair cannot stay alone in your home, you need to let them know that prior to the start of their stay with you, to give them sufficient time to organise their own holidays.

Should you allow your au pair to stay at your home in your absence, try to find out if they are comfortable with the idea of having the house for themselves or if this solution would rather make them feel lonely and anxious. 

Au pair responsibilities during your holiday

Should your au pair be staying at your house, you need to discuss if these days will be considered as holidays or if they should be working a little around the house, doing light household chores or taking care of your pets.

Should your au pair be working during your absence, you must ensure that they have sufficient food at their disposal. Obviously, in this case au pairs continue to receive their regular amount of pocket money,  even if they work fewer hours than usual. However, they’ll need to pay for their own meals.

Furthermore, it is important to clearly define in advance what  your au pair is and is not allowed to do in your absence,  to avoid any type of conflict. For example: May they invite someone to spend time in your home, for instance a friend or a visiting family member? 

Au Pair Time Off During Your Holiday

Since au pairs are entitled to holidays, it is also possible that they will decide to go on a trip by themselves at the same time as you’re away on your holiday.
It is therefore quite important that you inform your au pair in advance concerning your exact holiday dates, to allow them enough time to plan their own travels.
Also, remember that au pairs are entitled to their pocket money while taking their allocated holiday time on their own. 

Before making any plans or taking any decision, make sure to check the different host countries’ regulations, to find out how many days of holiday your au pair is entitled to. 

Have you been on holiday with or without your au pair?  Share your experience with us!


Family Holidays with or without the au pair