Definition "au pair": What is an au pair?

(Also to be found with keywords Au pair and Definition au pair)

An au pair is a young adult aged 18 to 30 who travels to a foreign country for a defined period of time to live with a host family. There are male au pairs as well as female. The au pair supports the host family with childcare and light housework while learning the language of the host country and getting to know its culture.

One au pair and two kids

The au pair is considered as a full member of the family during the temporary period of the au pair stay. As such, he or she helps the family with childcare and can be asked to assume some light household tasks. In return, the host family provides free board and lodging, as well as pocket money. However, the au pair is neither a housekeeper, nor a nanny. Au pairs are unmarried and do not have children of their own.

Benefits for au pairs

Benefits for host families

Video: What's it really like to be an au pair?

Listen in as seven au pairs from around the world put their experience in a nutshell for us and say what's really like to be an au pair. They were attendees at the AuPairWorld Au Pair Meeting in Frankfurt.

What's really like to be an au pair | AuPairWorld