Questions about costs and pocket money for the au pair stay

Do au pairs receive a salary? How much does an au pair placement really cost? Here are all the main questions having to do with costs and pocket money for the au pair stay.  


Will I receive a salary?

In most countries, au pairs do not have the status of a normal employee as au pairing is a programme of cultural exchange. For this reason, au pairs do not typically receive a salary in the classic sense, but rather pocket money from their host family. The amount of pocket money depends on the host country and also to some extent on the number of working hours.  

What costs are associated with becoming an au pair?

Costs incurring in the au pair's home country are to be paid by the au pair himself/herself. These may include expenses for visas or medical checks, for example. Furthermore, the au pair pays the travel costs to come to the host country. In most countries, au pairs also bear the costs for their language courses. This, however, depends on the particular host country. It is not possible for us to specify a specific amount that is applicable for all cases. These are factors that you should have in mind when thinking about the costs you will have to organise an au pair stay:

  • The costs of the visa (if one is necessary) depend on the country and the type of visa that must be applied for.
  • Flight or other travel costs depend on the distance between your country and the host country.
  • Also affecting travel costs are the type of transport used, the time of year that one travels, the day and time of day when one plans one's trip and the price that one is able to find.
  • For language study, different host countries, regions and course types can vary significantly in their costs.

At AuPairWorld we recommend that host families make a contribution to the cost of the language course, as well as the return trip of the au pair.  

It is advisable to calculate the costs that you will incur as an au pair more exactly as soon as you have found a host family. When you know which host country you will be going to, it will be clear if you require a visa for the stay and how much the visa will cost.

You will find information on visa costs as well as the typical amount of monthly pocket money in our section Info Host Countries. Information about necessary insurance cover and who should bear the costs for insurance is also presented there.

You can get a detailed overview of the costs for an au pair stay for both au pairs and host families in our Au Pair Wiki.

What are the costs for hosting an au pair?

As a host family, you provide free board and lodging (an individual room) for your au pair plus the specified amount of pocket money usually offered in your country. In some countries, host families also need to pay for an au pair insurance policy

The au pair is responsible for paying for his or her own travel expenses. In most countries, the au pair also needs to cover the costs for the language course. This, however, depends on the particular host country. At AuPairWorld we recommend that host families make a contribution to the cost of the language course, as well as the return trip of the au pair. We believe that the party in a financially stronger position should help the party with fewer resources.

You can get a detailed overview of the costs for an au pair stay for both au pairs and host families in our Au Pair Wiki.

How much does the placement cost?

At AuPairWorld, we do not charge any placement fees as such – as au pairs and host families carry out their own individual searches. For this purpose, our users enter into direct contact by exchanging messages with each other through our platform. To be able to exchange personal messages, however, it is necessary that one of the two parties is a Premium Member. Premium Membership is available from € 39.90. Usually, it is the host families who become Premium Members. Premium Members can exchange personal messages with all au pairs or host families listed on AuPairWorld, even if the other users are not Premium Members.

Who pays for the travel costs

The au pair is typically responsible for paying for his or her own travel expenses. This way the family can be sure that the au pair is definitely motivated to come. And the family will not have made payments for travel if the au pair decides at the last minute not to come - which does happen sometimes, although quite rarely. As a general rule, we always recommend not to make any advance payments so that all parties are protected against fraud attempts (scam).

On the other hand, we do encourage host families to partially or totally reimburse the au pair's travel costs for the return journey if everyone has been satisfied with the au pair stay. This is a nice "thank you" for a great time together.  

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