4 Tips on how to make a long-distance relationship work

Becoming an au pair of course involves moving to a different country for a determined period of time. But what if you’re in a relationship and your partner remains in your home country?

Long-distance relationships

July 08, 2024

, in Au pairs

Getting the chance to move abroad as an au pair is for many young people a real dream come true. However, falling in love just before leaving, or already being in a relationship with someone from your home country, might make everything a bit more „complicated“. 
But in spite of that, there are many ways to keep in touch with loved ones nowadays, also when living far away from each other. It might surely not be the easiest thing, but when both sides fully commit to it, then it’s certainly worth giving it a try.

1. Regular Video Call-Dates 

Whether it’s FaceTime, WhatsApp or Skype, nowadays there are so many ways to stay in touch with your partner by video calling. In this way, you can see each other (almost as if you were physically together) and can tell each other „personally“ about all your new experiences and day-to-day life.

The important aspect to consider about video calling with your partner is how frequently you want to do it: some people find it helpful to do it very often (maybe every night), while for others this might be worse, as they end up missing their partner even more. 
The best way to figure out what works best is to simply try it out and listen to your feelings and needs.

2. Visit each other

If you have the chance, visit each other! 
Whether you go back to your home country for a few days or your partner comes visiting you in your host country, there’s nothing nicer than exploring the world together. In this way you can collect unforgettable memories in different parts of the world, which will remain in your heart forever.

3. Think of seeing each other again

When it gets difficult, think of the moment you will see each other again.
In the end, your au pair experience will not last forever, so there will always be the moment you’ll get back home and are able to be with your partner again. Or the time will come, when they’re finally visiting you in your host country and you can spend some time together.

However, try to enjoy your time as an au pair as much as possible, without thinking too much about the future; it would be very sad to think back and realise you didn’t make the most of your time, just because you were only focusing on seeing your partner again…

4. Go out in the world

It is very important that you go out in your free time, keep yourself busy with things you honestly enjoy, without hiding away in your room. 
There are so many cool things you can do while abroad, such exploring your host country, meeting up with your new friends or other au pairs, doing some nice activities with your host family or simply pursue your hobbies and follow your passions. 
Try to take any small opportunity that comes your way, so that you’ll be able to look back and realise you really had the time of your life without any regrets.

Of course, it won't always be easy: missing your partner can really be a struggle but, in the end, it is totally normal to miss the people you love. 
But think about it: meeting your partner again after a longer time you haven’t seen each other will definitely be much more special and definitely exciting!


Silvia, former au pair and trainee at AuPairWorld

About the author: 

Silvia, 22, is originally from Italy but has been living abroad since going to the UK as an exchange student at the age of 16. After that she became an au pair in Germany for two years and now has become part of the AuPairWorld team, where she works as a Social Media Marketing Trainee. As a committed traveller, Silvia is happy to support travellers, young expats and people who would like to move abroad, with her travel-orientated Instagram account.