5 reasons why you should be an au pair

Not sure whether you'd really like to go abroad as an au pair? We tell you 5 reasons why you should be an au pair for sure!

au pair in a market with a camera in the hands

May 19, 2017

, in Au pairs

1. All-inclusive (...and we mean really): A new country, a new language, a new culture in one easy package 

One of the strongest reasons to take the big step and become an au pair is the total package that you get. During an au pair stay you live in another country and have the chance to do lots of travelling there. You learn the language more or less automatically in everyday life, and if you want you can certainly take a language course, too. And really getting to know another culture is definitely part of the deal, too. How, after all, can you experience more of another country's culture than sharing everyday life with a local family.

2. New friends from around the world – Your next destinations are also all arranged

A great thing about being an au pair is that there are so many other au pairs and young adventurers whom you also get to meet. That means you're making friends with people from all around the world. And since it's only natural to want to keep in contact with new friends, you have the opportunity to visit each other in your home countries after your au pair stay is finished. 

3. A home away from home

In your host country, your host family and especially the host kids will come to have a special place in your heart as you become a part of the family. Maybe you'll be on hand when your host kids ride a bike for the first time or speak their first words or take their first steps. These are moments that you'll never forget. Being an au pair doesn't just stop when the au pair stay is finished. Visiting your host family again after your stay will certainly be something to look forward to.

4. An experience that you'll never forget

You're travelling maybe for the very first time to another country all on your own. You live there, speak a foreign language, meet new people, take care of children, and handle important responsibilities. All of this together makes au pairing an adventure that you will never forget. The places that you'll travel to, the people whom you'll meet, perhaps you'll even fall in love... These are the adventures that you'll be telling stories about when you return.   

5. The chance to learn something about yourself

Being an au pair means taking on new responsibilities, experiencing highs and lows, doing all kinds of things for the very first time. These experiences will make you grow and let you learn lots and lots about yourself. If you're not yet sure what kind of career you'd like to have, being an au pair may give you some new ideas. Or even help you to decide what it is you don't want to do.

Video: 5 reasons to become an au pair 

Do you prefer to watch the reasons instead of reading them? 

5 REASONS to become an au pair | AuPairWorld


That all sounds pretty great, doesn't it? There are various possibilities for organising an au pair stay. With AuPairWorld you can search for a host family on your own and you can get all the important information you need about staying in different host countries. All you need to do is set up a profile on AuPairWorld and you're ready to take the first steps toward your au pair adventure. A good thing to know: AuPairWorld ist completely free of charge for au pairs.