Entry requirements for au pairs in Sweden

An au pair stay in Sweden: What documents are required? Do au pairs need a visa? The requirements differ depending on what country the au pair comes from. We have all the important information about the requirements for different countries on this page.

Junge Frau mit Koffer am Flughafen

The entry requirements for EU citizens and non-EU citizens are different.

EU: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia and Spain

EFTA: Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland

Non-EU: Citizens of all other countries

Before entering Sweden

Au pairs who want to have an au pair stay in Sweden need to have the following documents:

  • A health certificate issued no more than 3 months before departure for Sweden 
  • Proof of interest in the Swedish language and culture any previously acquired Swedish language skills, a statement of interest in the Swedish culture  – shown either through basic knowledge of the language, proof of academic work in Scandinavian studies or proof that the study of the Swedish language and culture will bring personal benefits  
  • Registration in a Swedish language course that fits with your au pair work schedule. Au pairs from some countries need to have this registration in order to apply for a residence permit
  • A signed au pair contract specifying details of the au pair's duities, working hours, pocket money and holiday entitlement
  • A passport or personal identification that will be valid for the entire length of the planned stay

For EU/EFTA citizens and citizens of Nordic countries, completing the above steps is all that is necessary to be able to enter Sweden as an au pair.

Non-EU citizens must apply for a work permit before entering Sweden (as well as for a visa, as required for some countries - see below).

Au pairs from non-EU countries need to apply for a work permit prior to entering Sweden through your local Swedish Embassy or Consulate General. The documents listed in the step-by-step guide above will be required. The application costs SEK 1,000. Certain waiting times also apply.

Please note: Young people who have already worked as an au pair in another country are less likely to be granted a work permit as an au pair in Sweden.

Au pairs staying for less than 3 months and coming from one of these countries require a visa as well as a work permit to enter Sweden. In such cases, the au pair contract functions as an invitation. The visa application costs 60 EUR.  

Citizens from Argentina, Australia, Canada, Chile, Hong Kong, New Zealand, South Korea and Uruguay can apply for a Working Holiday visa.

Young people from the countries Argentina, Australia, Canada, Chile, Hong Kong, New Zealand, South Korea and Uruguay can apply for a Working Holiday Visa, via a Swedish embassy or consulate general in your home country to enter Sweden. The application costs SEK 1,000, and all the documents mentioned above will be required, plus proof of secure income, i.e. pocket money to be received as an au pair. Be aware of the applicable waiting times.


After entering Sweden

Citizens of the EU/EFTA - Since 1 May 2014, citizens of these countries no longer need  to register in order to have a Right of Residence if they intend to stay in the country for more than 3 months for studying or working purposes.

Citizens of Switzerland staying longer than 3 months - Au pairs from Switzerland need to apply for a Residence Permit within 3 months of arriving. A copy of the au pair contract will be needed, and certain waiting times apply.

Citizens of the Nordic countries only need to register with the Swedish Tax Agency (Skatteverket) upon arrival in Sweden.

Au pairs who require residence/work permits and are staying longer than 3 months should make an appointment at the local Migration Board Permit Unit to have their fingerprints and photo taken for a Residence Permit Card as soon as possilble after arriving in Sweden.

Register with the Swedish Tax Agency 
Shortly after arriving in Sweden au pairs should register with the Skatteverket (Swedish Tax Agency) which will be able to provide more information on the exact amount of tax au pairs will have to pay. Note: Despite paying tax, au pairs still receive a monthly pocket money in the amount of SEK 3,500 gross.

Register with the Swedish Social Insurance Agency (Försäkringskassan)
To be covered by social insurance in Sweden, au pairs need to register with Försäkringskassan. Those with a European Health Insurance Card from their home country are advised to take this with them, as this may automatically provide them with health insurance coverage. Everyone who lives or works in Sweden is entitled to certain benefits when registered with Försäkringskassan, including basic healthcare disability coverage and other insurance coverage.

We are continually researching and updating our host country information, but cannot guarantee that all material provided is complete and correct. If you notice gaps or inaccuracies, we would like to hear from you.