AuPairWorld Blog

The AuPairWorld Blog – Lifestyle, Sharing, Discovery

We're writing about au pairing in a completely new way. And you're invited to join in the discussion! There's lots to discover and lots to share. Check it out!

How to maintain your language skills after your au pair stay

A Woman in front of a laptop

April 08, 2024

Your au pair adventure has come to a close, but your language journey doesn't have to end there. Join us as we delve into practical tips and tricks for retaining the language fluency you developed while living abroad as an au pair.

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7 great cities to work in as an au pair

Skyline of Sydney

April 02, 2024

Exploring life in a foreign city as an au pair is just one of the many advantages. However, it's essential to remember: each country holds treasures beyond its capital and bustling metropolises!

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Childcare in the countryside

Kirsten Voß-Rahe mit ihren Kindern und Au-pair

March 28, 2024

The Viehbrook Farm, based in the peaceful countryside of Northern Germany, is just an hour's drive from Hamburg. Despite its rural charm, this family-run farm has successfully hosted two au pairs with ease.

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6 reasons to travel when you’re still young 

Hand holding a compass

March 25, 2024

Are you in your last years of school, asking yourself what you should do next? Or have you already finished school and are still unsure whether you want to study, look for a job or simply take a break? Well, then there’s no better time than now to start travelling and exploring the world! 

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How to choose the right au pair and make the relationship work

Children on a walk holding hands

March 04, 2024

A Madrid-based host mother blogger shares her strategies for making the most of au pairing's win-win potential.

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Falling in love abroad as an au pair

Close-up on the feet of a young couple as they embrace.

February 14, 2024

For just about every au pair, going out into the big world is a time of great excitement: living in a new country, learning a new language, diving deeper into a new culture, creating connections with a new family… and why not finding a new love?

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7 pro tips for a successful au pair search

Hands in the air

February 12, 2024

You want to find the perfect au pair for your family, but are uncertain how to use all the tools and resources that AuPairWorld provides? We can help you.

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Au pairing for your family: 5 reasons

Au pair with child in a tent

February 09, 2024

Still not convinced about hosting an au pair? Here are 5 reasons how sharing your home with a young person from abroad is a great way to make the most of family life.

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Which host country should I choose for my au pair stay?

A group of young people point to a water ball globe

February 06, 2024

Are you unsure which host country would be best for you? Here are some tips to help you with your choice!

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Holiday giving: Three charities receive support from AuPairWorld at Christmastime

A pink piggy bank

December 18, 2023

Once again AuPairWorld is pleased to be able to share its resources and support others in need in the holiday season - both close to home and in the world at large.

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