Holiday giving: Three charities receive support from AuPairWorld at Christmastime

Once again AuPairWorld is pleased to be able to share its resources and support others in need in the holiday season - both close to home and in the world at large.

A pink piggy bank

December 18, 2023

, in AuPairWorld News

AuPairWorld has made donations to three organisations that provide critical support to people in need:

  • The Kasseler Tafel is a foodbank staffed by volunteers based in Kassel, Germany, where AuPairWorld is headquartered. Its assistance has become even more important in the past year as daily recipients of Kasseler Tafel food support have increased from 3,000 to approximately 5,500 people every day. AuPairWorld has contributed 6,000 EUR to support the foodbank's work.
  • BDKS is also based in Kassel and provides help for mentally and physically disabled people in sheltered workshops that employ approximately 1,400 persons and assisted-living facilities that house approximately 1,100 individuals. AuPairWorld has contributed 2,000 EUR to support these activities.
  • The German Red Cross brings together volunteers and full-time employees to give critical assistance in crisis situations and to support people in need in locations around the world and in Germany. AuPairWorld has contributed 2,000 EUR to help fund their efforts.

Making the world better one au pair stay at a time

AuPairWorld's charity giving has a natural connection to the company's vision of helping to build a more open and inclusive world through the power of intergenerational cultural exchange. 

As Managing Director Heike Fischer remarks, "Each au pair stay depends on individuals coming together and finding a mutually beneficial way of sharing their skills and resources. That spirit of giving has very specific benefits for the individual young people and families who are coming together this way. And in a small way it also helps to make the world a better place."

With that in mind, AuPairWorld says, "Thank you and hats off!" to all our users - both families and au pairs. You're the best! 

And, of course, we wish all our users a very merry Christmas and happy holidays as another year comes to an end. We look forward to continuing to support you in 2024!