6 mistakes au pairs make with their profiles (and how to avoid them)

The first step to finding the right host family is the profile you create at AuPairWorld. Sometimes mistakes in your profile can make it harder to find a family and even have a negative effect on your au pair stay. Here are 6 common mistakes you should be sure to avoid!

Young woman typing on a laptop and registering as an au pair

December 14, 2020

, in Au pairs

To get noticed positively by host families, you need to have a good profile. And if you want to be sure to find just the right host family (and not just any old one), then be sure to avoid the following mistakes when registering at AuPairWorld and creating a profile:

1. Missing information in your profile

For each registered user, we need to have correct and complete data, including for example your address and telephone number. Only then will your profile be shown on the AuPairWorld website. If this information is missing, then your search can't get started. Of course, we will handle all of your data with complete confidentiality, don't worry!

2. Inappropriate profile pictures  

Don't use party pictures or Snapchat Filter shots for your profile pictures. Images like this simply don't make a good impression. And you know what they say about first impressions: "You never get a second chance to make a first impression (and first impressions last)! Instead upload a natural and authentic picture of yourself which hasn't been processed too much.

A picture showing you in an outdoor setting can work well, or one where you're together with younger children. Don't be afraid to be creative. The main thing is that you can be clearly recognised and that the host families gets a positive first impression of you. 

3. Not being 100% honest in your profile texts

You have a driving licence but not so much driving experience? Then write exactly that in your profile and talk about the situation with prospective host families. If you aren't clear and open about situations like this, then you may end up in a difficult situation when you suddenly are expected to drive in big-city traffic and don't feel ready to do so.

The more honest you are, the better things will be during your au pair stay. You won't find yourself feeling like you have to pretend or tell your host family something that's untrue. Complete honesty is immensely important from both sides in the au pair-host family relationship. That way no one is confronted with unpleasant surprises and you can develop a true partnership.

Are you unsure about what to write in your texts? Take a look at our tips to make your profile more attractive.

4. Writing your texts only in your native language

It may well be that the host family doesn't understand your native language. If that's the case, only writing your profile texts in your own language is going to limit the possible interaction. If you have some abilities in the language of your preferred host country, then write some sentences of your profile texts in that language. Or translate the whole text and present it in two languages to show your skills.

5. Not thinking clearly about what's really important for your au pair stay

It's fine to try to get what you want with the search criteria in your profile, but don't be overly specific and picky. Think about what's really important to you and what other points are ones where it would be fine to compromise. It's similar with the partner of your dreams – finally, there isn't anyone exactly like that (except in dreams ;-)). Finding a host family that fits 100% with all of your wishes is very difficult.

Remember that an au pair stay is also a cultural exchange and you need to be ready to accept new and unfamiliar things. If, for example, you're looking for a German-speaking family in South Korea that cooks vegan and will accept an au pair who smokes, the search is going to be very long and quite frustrating. Be ready to compromise and accept the adventure that comes! 

6. Not making the most of the profile possibilities 

Another way to enhance your profile is to upload certificates or references that show special aspects of what you've done. This might be a driver's licence or your last school report card or a reference from another au pair stay. Documents like this can be uploaded as part of your profile free of charge.

With these tips you will be all set up to start to search your host family. Good luck!


Video: mistakes to avoid in your au pair profile

Angela explain shortly the 6 mistakes in the video and how you can prevent them so you can find a suitable host family for you more quickly!

6 mistakes to avoid in your au pair profile | AuPairWorld