Which gift should I choose for my host family?

You've nearly made it! While getting ready for your au pair stay, you may wish to think about suitable gifts for your host family. When meeting your host kids for the first time, they will surely help you break the ice. Here are a few tips which may come in handy.

Sweets in a glass

June 30, 2017

, in Au pairs
  • typical delicacies from your town and region: foods, sweets, wines, etc.
  • a book with traditional stories or fairytales from your country, either in your own language or translated into the language of your host country (Germans, for instance, could choose the Brother Grimms' Children's and Household Tales)
  • a cookbook with local delicacies from your area
  • a book on your home town or country
  • any selfmade gift, such as a photo album you can add to by and by throughout your au pair stay
  • a photo calendar from your town or country
  • toys; ideally objects typical for your home country, e. g. colouring books, stuffed animals, audio plays or board games
  • a DVD of a famous family or children's film from your country  
  • The better you know what the members of your host family like, the easier it will be for you to pick suitable gifts. 

Should you currently not know which gifts to choose for your host kids, you can always ask your future host parents to give you an idea as to what their children are interested in and would particularly be excited about. 

Have you finished your au pair stay? Then why not giving a farewell present to your host family