Au pair dream - Down Under

You're wondering if you should have an au pair stay in Australia? Then take a look at Nina's pictures - who spent 9 months there as an au pair. Then you'll be sure to book your ticket right away! 

Nina on the beach in Australia

March 03, 2017

, in Au pairs

Nina's experience as an au pair in Australia

For the longest time, Nina had the dream of travelling abroad after she finished school. To be on her own for the first time and to have a whole year of "holidays" after all the stress of finishing up with school seemed perfect. As a keen babysitter, it was clear to Nina: "I'd like to go abroad as an au pair."

But where should she go? New Zealand, Australia and the USA were all on her short list. With all these great choices, she finally decided on beautiful Australia. And as it turned out, this was one of her best decisions.

A picture (as we know) is worth a thousand words. So we're sharing a gallery of her shots from Australia here. But for those of you who would like to have a few more words in written form, you can enjoy her au pair story in Sydney (available only in German). Watch Amina's video in English about her experience as au pair in Australia during the Covid-19 pandemic.   

Nina's host children
Au pair Nina under a kangaroo road sign
Nina and her host child


Nina and three friends of her
Nina next to a kangaroo
Nina's two host children smiling at the camera


Nina on the beach doing yoga
Nina's host child with the Sydney opera in the background
Nina with two beaches on the background