Long-distance relationships

4 Tips: How to make a long-distance relationship work

Finally, you can escape from everyday life and explore the world - it's a dream that au pairs really get to experience. But when your partner stays at home, it isn't always so easy. AuPairWorld editor Ellen tells us about her experience:

Long-distance relationships - Ellen in Ireland
, in Au pairs

When I got the chance to go to Ireland as an au pair for 6 months, it was a real dream come true for me. However, falling in love with someone just before I went wasn't part of the plan. I finally got to fulfill my dream, but my boyfriend was living 1000 kilometres away and it was not always easy to maintain a long-distance relationship.

But good news: We did it! I'm now back in Germany and we are still together. How did we manage it? If I'm honest, there were ups and downs and a few tears as well. However, I do still have a few tips for you if you are in a long-distance relationship:

1. Regular Skype-Dates 

Thank goodness we no longer live in the Stone Age and don't have to use carrier pigeons. Nowadays, there are many ways to stay in touch with your partner, which you can use to share all of your experiences with them and, of course, tell them how much you miss them at least 25 times. But be careful! I wouldn't go overboard by staying in contact too much, because the more you are in contact with each other, the more you will miss each other and be reminded that you can't be together right now. My suggestion is that you agree to a maximum of one Skype-Date a week ;-)

2. Go out in the world

It is quite important that you go out in your freetime and don't hide yourself away in your room. Explore your host country, meet up with other au pairs, do something with your host family or pursue your hobbies. After all, you have already travelled to a foreign country so you must want to be on a adventure and not just sitting on the sofa.

3. Visit each other

If you have the chance, visit each other! There is nothing nicer than showing your partner around your host country and exploring a few places together. I travelled around Ireland for a few days with my boyfriend and we will never forget the wonderful time we had.

4. Think of seeing each other again

And when it gets difficult, think of the moment when you will see each other again. The cheesy fantasy of running into my boyfriend's arms at the airport cheered me up and kept me going through a lot of sad moments. And when I picked my boyfriend up from the airport in Dublin, it obviously wasn't quite that cheesy, but it did feel like our first date again. :-)

Of course, it won't always be easy, but it is natural to miss the people you love. And, somehow, it also makes your relationship a bit more special!