au pair podcast

The Au Pair Podcast

In the "The Au Pair Podcast", Rebecca Chapman shares tips and insights about how to manage and make the most of an au pair stay - based on her ongoing au pair experience as a British au pair currently staying with a German family in Frankfurt.

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18 april 2023

, in Au pairs

Rebecca introduces herself

I’m Rebecca and I am an English au pair working in Frankfurt, Germany until September 2023.

In 2022, I graduated from university having studied Spanish and Portuguese and was searching for my next step. Feeling quite lost and unsure as to what to do next, I decided to be an au pair for a year. The idea was to clear my head, give myself some space to think and to gain a new and exciting experience.

I am now enjoying my life as an au pair and planning a future career in Marketing / PR.

I hope you enjoy my podcast! 

Episode 1: "How to make au pairing work for you: The first steps"

Topics covered:

  1. When to set up your profile and start your search
  2. Be honest in presenting yourself - You're going to be living with these people!
  3. Choose your pictures carefully - Your profile is like a CV
  4. Read family profiles carefully - Find a family that really fits
  5. Have regular video calls before the stay begins
  6. Read your au pair contract closely and make sure you agree with it


Episode 2: "The first weeks of your au pair stay: What you need to know"

Topics covered:

  1. Arriving in a new country as an au pair is a big step
  2. It's natural to feel nervous & to need time to adjust
  3. Tips and tricks for handling the emotions of the first few weeks
  4. Important bureaucratic steps to take in your new country
  5. Getting off to a good start with your host parents
  6. Getting off to a good start with your host kids