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Gastgezin Giovanni B.

2 kinderen, 9 - 11 jaar
Wij leven op het platteland in Italië (MN/LOMBARDIA)
Nationaliteit: Italiaan(se)

Startdatum: 11 / 2022 - 12 / 2022
Verblijfsduur: 3 - 3 maanden
  • Wij zoeken
    au pair meisje
    22 - 27 jaar
    uit Canada, Denemarken, Finland, Duitsland, Ierland, IJsland, Noorwegen, Verenigd Koninkrijk, Zweden, Zwitserland, Verenigde Staten
    Basic knowledge of Engels
  • Meer info
    Rokers zijn welkom
    Wij zijn rokers
    Au pair met rijbewijs
    Hulp bij huishoudelijke taken gewenst
    Reeds een au pair ontvangen
    Zorg voor gehandicapte kinderen
    Alleenstaande ouder
    We hebben huisdieren
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  • Laatste login 26/03/2023
  • Profielnummer 2362839
  • Beste Au-pair

    Dear au pair,
    We are looking for an au pair to start in beginning of November 2022.
    We are a young, modern, dinamic Italian family, our children find exciting having au pair and spending time with her. In the last 9 years we had 10 au pair coming mainly from US, Canada and Germany.
    We would like to share the experience of having you with us, taking care of our children after school, talking to them in English, playing with them and bring them to their sports in the afternoon.
    We are looking for a girl that is highly motivated in staying with our children, better if you are a primary school teacher or your job is connected with children at any level or your study are based on children.
    If you worked as baby sitter some time but you do not really enjoy playing with children this i

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