AuPairWorld Blog

The AuPairWorld Blog – Lifestyle, Sharing, Discovery

We're writing about au pairing in a completely new way. And you're invited to join in the discussion! There's lots to discover and lots to share. Check it out!

Host mothers share tips for a successful au pair stay

A family with two children looking to the horizon

13 september 2024

Host families are experts on au pairing. That's why we always are glad to share their useful tips so that you can have a successful experience with your au pairs.

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Making your au pair feel at home

Several people doing a high five

30 augustus 2024

Welcoming an au pair into your home is like welcoming a new member of the family. It's important to make them feel at home, as they will play an important role in your children's lives. Laura Carrasco explains how to make your au pair feel happy from day one.

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How to build a great relationship with your host kids: Tips for Au pairs

Ellie with her host kid

29 augustus 2024

As an au pair, your relationship with the kid(s) in your host family is one of the most important aspects of your experience. In this guide, Ellie Bambury, author of The Big Sister Project, shares expert advice on how to connect with your host kids effectively.

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Family cooking - Bringing it all together

Children help with family cooking in the kitchen.

27 augustus 2024

Cooking isn’t just about preparing meals, it’s a unique opportunity for families to connect, create lasting memories and build a harmonious household environment. When you invite your au pair into the kitchen, you're opening the door to cultural exchange, teamwork and a lot of fun. 

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Adapting to a new country: 6 tips for fast and fun integration as an au pair

Woman's hands holding card with location icon

27 augustus 2024

Handling the shock of a new culture isn't always easy, but it's right at the heart of the au pair experience. We explain what to do to have a great time while adapting to life in your new country. 

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Returning after your au pair stay: Handling culture shock

Girl with a suitcase

26 augustus 2024

Culture shock on return is real! Getting back to your own culture can be trickier than you think - with lots of questions and sometimes misunderstandings. Magali, a travel and employment expert based in France, has 4 tips to help deal with the "shock of return".

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7 things NOT to do as an au pair

lighted number seven

22 augustus 2024

Being an au pair gives you lots of freedom to have a great adventure. But there are still a few things you need to avoid. Au pairing expert and author Melanie Josephine has made a list to help keep you on a good track.

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How being an au pair can change your life

A signpost with two directions - old life and new life

21 augustus 2024

Becoming an au pair is more than just an opportunity to live abroad. It's a transformative experience that can change your life in many different ways. Here is how.

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Which gift should I choose for my host family?

Sweets in a glass

05 augustus 2024

You've nearly made it! While getting ready for your au pair stay, you may wish to think about suitable gifts for your host family. When meeting your host kids for the first time, this will surely help you break the ice. Here are a few tips which may come in handy.

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Top 20 apps for au pairs

tablet with apps

30 juli 2024

Did you just move to your host country and are ready to start an unforgettable au pair experience? Then these apps might be very useful to have on your phone. 

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