Visa and entry requirements for au pairs in Norway

Which documents do au pairs and host families need for an au pair visa in Norway? Can au pairs from the EU enter without a visa? Which requirements apply for au pairs from EU and non-EU countries? All these questions answered clearly and compactly on this page.

Young woman with suitcase at the airport

Important announcement regarding the au pair program in Norway

The Norwegian government has recently decided to discontinue issuing au pair visas starting March 15, 2024.

  • Au pairs will only be entitled to a first au pair stay if they have registered their application on by no later than March 15, 2024, and have scheduled an appointment to submit their application.
  • If you already have an au pair permit, you can apply for an extension until the end of the two-year au pair period to change host families.

We will update the information about the au pair program in Norway on our website as soon as we receive more information.

For more information and official announcements, please visit the UDI website.

The entry requirements for EU citizens and non-EU citizens are different.

EU: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia and Spain

EFTA: Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland

Non-EU: Citizens of all other countries

Au-pairs from EU, EFTA, EEA countries

Please note: The following steps only apply for au pairs who come from EU, EFTA or EEA countries and would like to stay longer than three months in Norway.

Step 1: A valid identity card or passport 

The au pair's identity card or passport should be valid for several months after the planned period of stay in Norway. This identification is needed for Step 2.

Der Ausweis oder der Reisepass des Au-pairs sollte noch ein paar Monate nach dem Aufenthalt in Norwegen gültig sein. Der Ausweis ist wichtig und wird für Schritt 2 benötigt.

Step 2: Register with the local police department in Norway

Au pairs planning to stay in Norway for more than three months, need to register at the local police department. The first step in this process is to register online at the Application Portal Norway. Afterwards au pairs must personally appear before their local police department or at the Service Centre for Foreign Workers.

Au pairs need a have avalid identity card or passport, as well as proof confirming that they will be financially independent and  not rely on state aid during their stay in Norway. For this purpose, the signed au pair contract with the host family can be presented as proof. 

Au pairs who meet these registration requirements, you will receive a registration certificate. It is free of charge and does not expire.


Au pairs from non-EU states

Step 1: A valid passport

Au pairs need to have a valid passport to enter Norway. A passport is also necessary to obtain a residence permit as an au pair.

Step 2: The au pair contract

To apply for the residence permit (Step 3), a completed au pair contract is required. The contract must be fully filled out and signed by the au pair and the host family. The contract includes a specification of the agreed tasks of the au pair. Two signed copies of the contract should be prepared – one for the au pair and one for the family.   

Step 3: Applying for the residence / work permit

A residence permit is required to become an au pair. The application for this residence permit also serves as the application for a work permit. The following documents are necessary for the application:

  • A valid passport
  • The standard au pair contract signed by both the au pair and family
  • Proof of the host family's nationality (for instance, copies of their passports)
  • A copy of the au pair's passport (if the au pair is already in Norway, it is important that the date of entry is noted in the passport or other identity document)
  • A Norwegian or English translation of all documents
  • A passport photo which complies with certain criteria

In addition to the above mentioned documents, the following documents may also be required: 

  • If the au pair is applying for the residence permit from outside her/his home country, proof must be provided that the au pair has been a legal resident of this country for the past six months
  • If the host family is a single-parent household, a document must be provided regarding the amount of time the single parent is responsible for the care of the child
  • If the host family is making the application for the au pair, they need the au pair's written authorisation to do so (with a signature included!)

If copies of these documents are provided with the application, originals must be available to present when handing in the application.

How to submit the residence permit application:

Outside of Norway, the application can be submitted to the Norwegian embassy or consulate in the au pair's home country or a country for which the au pair has a valid residence permit (for the past six months). In some countries, it is also possible to submit the application to the Swedish or Danish embassy, as well.

If the au pair is currently in Norway, it may be possible to submit the application in the country. 

Au pairs submitting their application in Norway or to a Norwegian embassy, should do so online. During the online registration, an appointment will be made for presenting the au pair passport and other documents at a police station or an embassy-

If the residence permit application is made via a Swedish or Danish embassy, then a  written application form must be used. It is necessary to contact the embassy to arrange an appointment for presenting the au pair passport and other necessary documents. 

Au pairs in Norway may reside in the country for a maximum of two years. However, the residence permit is only issued for the duration of employment. During this period of time, there are no restrictions on the au pair leaving and entering Norway.

If the au pair comes from the Philippines, then a visa will be necessary and perhaps other documents. Contact should be made with Norwegian embassy in the Philippines or the Philippine embassy in Norway for more information.

Step 4: The residence card

After the application for a residence permit has been approved, the au pair receives a letter instructing them to go to the Norwegian police to submit finger prints and have a photo taken. Approximately ten days after this, the au pair will receive the residence card.  y 

Step 5: Taking a tuberculosis test

According to Norwegian law, au pairs from outside the EU, EFTA or EEA need to take a tuberculosis test. The host family should arrange an appointment within the first two days following the au pair's arrival as the test should be done before the au pair has substantial contact with the children.

Au pairs who are citizens of the USA, Canada, New Zealand, Australia or Japan, do not need to take a tuberculosis test.

We are continually researching and updating our host country information, but cannot guarantee that all material provided is complete and correct. If you notice gaps or inaccuracies, we would like to hear from you.