Pocket money, working time and contract for au pairs in Belgium

From au pair working hours to payment  – all the important information on conditions and arrangements for au pairs and host families in Belgium are summarized here.

Hands with a wallet

Au pair contract

Au pairs and host families have to sign the official Belgian au pair contract. To get ready for this the au pair and host family should discuss their expectations for the au pair stay and include these in the au pair contract that they prepare. For non-EU au pairs, the host family then sends a signed copy of the au pair contract to the responsible immigration office.

Please download the contract template according to the region where your host family lives:




The au pair contract remains valid for the whole period of the au pair stay. However, it is possible to terminate the contract if one wishes. We recommend a period of notice of 14 days. This gives both the au pair and the host family time to find a replacement or to organise the return trip. The au pair contract can also be terminated immediately without any period of notice on serious grounds.


Au pair duties

Providing childcare is the main responsibility of the au pair. In addition, the host family can ask the au pair to take care of some light housekeeping tasks. All of the au pair duties should be defined in the official au pair contract; they cannot be changed subsequently by either the au pair or the host family.

More information on the topic:


Pocket money

In Belgium, au pairs receive at least 450 euros pocket money per month, which must be paid into the au pair's bank account. For that reason, au pairs should open a personal bank account immediately after their arrival. Au pairs are entitled to the full amount of monthly pocket money in cases of illness and during holidays.

More information on this topic:


Board and lodging

Au pairs are entitled to receive free board and lodging during the entire au pair stay. This also applies in the case of illness and during holidays. Au pairs also must have a room of their own and their own key for the family home.

More information on the topic:

Working time

In Belgium, au pairs are not permitted to work more than 4 hours a day (babysitting hours included) and 20 hours per week spread out over a maximum of 6 days a week.

More information on the topic:

Free time and holidays

Au pairs in Belgium are entitled to at least one day off per week. The au pair and family should decide together with day this will be. If the au pair wishes to have a particular day free for religious reasons, then the family must respect this wish.  

Au pairs' holiday entitlement is not regulated in Belgium. However, we recommend that for 12 months of work, an au pair receives a minimum of 2 weeks holiday. This can be used as a reference if the au pair stay will be less than 12 months. Au pairs and host families should discuss in advance how much holiday time the au pair will receive and note this in the au pair contract. It is important to keep in mind that au pairs are entitled to pocket money during their holidays as well.

In Belgium, there are no official regulations with regard to public holidays for au pairs. We recommend that au pairs have a day off on public holidays. Only in exceptional cases should au pairs have to work on public holidays. The host family should discuss this with their au pair beforehand.

More information on the topic:


Language course

Au pairs from non-EU countries have to attend a language course during their stay. According to the region where the host family lives, the au pair will take part in a Dutch, French or German language course. The course has to be offered by an officially recognised institution – private tuition, distance learning courses or private school courses are not accepted. If the au pair does not have a basic knowledge of one of the Belgian languages, then she or he  will have to attend an intensive language course upon arrival in Belgium. The host family will also prepare a cultural programme for so the au pair can learn more about Belgian culture.

More information on this topic:


Au pair insurance

To be safely and fully insured, au pairs from all countries (EU and non-EU) need to have a comprehensive private au pair insurance for au pair stays in Belgium. Belgian host families are required to cover the costs for this insurance. 

AuPairWorld recommends the PROTRIP-WORLD insurance package for this purpose. It is especially designed for au pairs and other young people spending time abroad. Among other benefits, this insurance covers the full costs of inpatient and outpatient medical care (often not covered in full with the EHIC card for EU au pairs), plus return transport to the home country for medical reasons (not covered at all with the EHIC card).

More information on insurance:


Driving licence 

Au pairs who will be expected to drive in the course of their au pair duties should have sufficient driving experience. Questions regarding liability and insurance should be clarified in advance of the au pair stay. If damages should occur as a result of an accident, it should be clear from the start who will bear the costs. In Belgium, it is possible to drive with an international driving licence, the European driving licence or an officially recognised foreign driving licence.

More information on this topic:

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