Au pair stay in Liechtenstein

Become an au pair in Liechtenstein or host an au pair as a family in Liechtenstein. Here you'll find everything that you need to know as an au pair or a host family to get ready for an au pair stay in Liechtenstein. 

Blick über die liechtensteiner Berge

Liechtenstein is the fourth smallest state in Europe and the sixth smallest in the whole world. But small as it is, Liechtenstein still has lots to offers to au pairs. At #einfachfürstlich on Instagram, for example, you can see for yourself just how impressive the countryside of the Principality of Liechtenstein is. Host families aiming to have some help with childcare at home can help their au pair get to know this wonderful country and its rich traditions. 

Grafik Au-pair

Requirements for au pairs

What do you need to be an au pair in Liechtenstein?

  • You are 18-25 years old*
  • You are not married and have no children.
  • You have a basic knowledge of German and have a different mother tongue than your host family.
  • You are planning an au pair stay between 6 and 12 months.

*At the commencement of the au pair stay the maximum age is 24. That means that the au pair can become 25 during the au pair stay, but that must happen after the au pair stay has begun.

You fulfil all the requirements?? That's great, Liechtenstein is waiting. Use the information below to find out more about entry requirements and the specific conditions for an au pair stay in Liechtenstein.

You don't fulfil all the requirements? Then unfortunately you cannot be an au pair in Liechtenstein. But don't give up. There are lots of other countries to consider.Check now Country Check in which countries you can become an au pair.


Grafik Familie

Requirements for host families

Ein Au-pair aufnehmen – So funktioniert's

  • At least one child under 18 lives in your household.*
  • You can provide your au pair with a separate room of her or his own in your home.
  • The everyday language in your family is Germany.
  • At least one parent speaks German as their mother tongue.
  • You can manage the costs** of the au pair stay.
  • One parent must have the possibility to supervise at least 50% of the au pair's working time.

* Grandchildren or nephews/nieces are not included under this provision.

** Cost of living including all expenses involved (e.g. clothes, medical costs, medication, hospital, education, etc.).

You fulfil all the requirements? That's great, you can move ahead. You'll find au pairs that fit your criteria in your EasyFind.

You don't fulfil all the requirements? Then unfortunately you cannot use AuPairWorld for your search.

How do I organise an au pair stay in Liechtenstein?


Ready for the next step?

We'll be happy to help you on your way. 



We are continually researching and updating our host country information, but cannot guarantee that all material provided is complete and correct. If you notice gaps or inaccuracies, we would like to hear from you.